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YouTube Sucks (Not Really I'm Just Tired)

Luke Montgomery • March 16, 2022

Look Who Changed His Mind Again

I know what you're thinking: "Wow, another blog so soon?"

Yup. It's Tuesday. Strap in.

Last week was amazing, and I'm so thankful for the community of artists in the Dallas area (as well as those who traveled here) and the support they showed me over various shoots. In one week, I had the opportunity to shoot for Grady Spencer and the Work (my favorite band as of late), Chelsea Cutler, Adam Melchor, and ROSIE.

Each of those shoots deserves its own blog and I will probably write them soon because I learned so much about the creative industry this week. For the first time, I have so many projects going on at once that I have multiple cards with hundreds of images that I haven't had time to edit! On one of my biggest shoots ever—Chelsea Cutler—I am still waiting to deliver the photos over to management because I have not found the time to put a final folder together.

Needless to say, I'm stupid busy, and not having my laptop last week didn't help the situation. On top of these edits, I am working constantly to schedule new shoots, perform client management between shoots, and find time for myself—because ultimately I create my best work when I'm in a healthy place mentally and spiritually.

One thing that I have learned in the past couple of months, is the power—as a creative—of saying no to a project. I think a lot of us think that to grow, we need to say yes to everything. I was definitely guilty of this as I used to be constantly terrified that if I said no to a project, then I would miss a chance and never get one like it again. I found myself burned out very fast and every aspect of my life including creating was suffering. I was worse at relationships, school, commitments, and lost energy way faster than I could regain it.

For these reasons, I have gotten comfortable with making decisions that are best for me. A big one, recently, involved me giving up one of my dreams—shooting Ben Rector's tour this summer—in order to go back and serve at camp I grew up attending—but I'll touch more on that another time.

Previously, I said that I wanted to start a YouTube channel. I may have jumped the gun on that one. While I still desire to pursue that eventually, my initial dream of getting a video out every two weeks is simply not feasible in my current stage of life. I filmed an entire vlog of my day shooting Grady Spencer, but I have no desire to release it—partly because of some editing that still needs to be done, but also because I enjoy other forms of creating more. Shooting a video all day drained my energy and just wasn't as fun as I thought it would be. In the future, I think my videos will just be whenever I have time to sit down and create a story—one that is organically me and doesn't require me to put on a face 24/7.

So, I think I'm going to go back to a new blog every Tuesday. Any videos will just be done on top of that, and I don't want to tie myself down with a commitment to making them. When I'm ready, I'll choose a more consistent posting schedule for YouTube.

On a completely different note, now that the weather is warming back up, I get to do some of my favorite things again. In the past, items associated with my brand included hammocks, hats, and Arizona tea. I have found that I do my best writing, schoolwork, and edits when I'm outside, so I'm super excited to get back to those things. A dream day for me involves hanging out my hammock between two trees and sipping a can of tea as I listen to whatever music I'm feeling that day.

The location in the photo above is one of my current favorite places to go and study off-campus. It's a small pond less than 10 minutes away from campus, but it is beautiful and the water is as clear as I've only seen in Colorado. The best part about it? The solitude. I usually have the whole place to myself except for a few old men who walk it every day that I have grown fond of talking to. I'll hang my hammock right on the water between two huge trees. As I hang over the pond, the reeds sway around me and the air smells of spring finally coming. It fills me up in a way only nature can and I always come back from it recharged. While I'm there, I can accomplish anything and it allows me to take a step out of my crazy busy life every so often.

I think it's important that everyone has a spot like that. Just a place to recharge and escape. For some people, it can probably  be their room but because I live in the dorms, my room isn't much of an escape. As an introvert, most of my inspiration for my projects comes from moments like those when I'm alone in nature.

"One can be instructed in society, one is inspired only in solitude." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

So many things become clear when I spend time meditating in silence. I make better plans, wiser decisions, and I think I am even more likable on days when I have charged myself up at my little spot. So, go find one of your own. Spend time exploring your own neighborhoods and communities until you find a spot that resonates with you.

I'll be at the Cambridge Room at House of Blues Dallas this Thursday shooting Maisie Peters and Jonah Kagen, so be on the lookout for photos dropping from previous concerts: Chelsea Cutler, Adam Melchor, and ROSIE, soon.

Go chase a dream this week.


Shoot with Luke

By Luke Montgomery January 26, 2024
Wow. It's been 7 months since I posted on Instagram. I stepped away early in the summer because I realized that God had a lot of work to do in my life. So, I turned my gaze inward and began a spiritual battle that had needed to be addressed for a long time. I will probably share more about that process in the future, but right now, I am still healing and the Lord is still moving in my life—I don't want to hinder any of that with my own words at the moment.
By Luke Montgomery April 20, 2023
That being said, the story of Luke Montgomery Media has reached its end. I got into this industry to shoot for Ben Rector and I did that. Along the way, God changed my heart for why I am in this industry in the first place. I started because of what it could do for me, but I'm here now because of what I can do for Him. The next step in that process is removing my name from my work, and I could not be more excited about it. I'm so excited to be launching my new company and publication: Ellium's Spot!
By Luke Montgomery February 8, 2023
I'd like to pick apart this statement piece by piece starting with "I'd rather worship God." To that, I say Amen! Someone put that on a t-shirt and I'll wear it! Literally, anything could come before that sentence and I would agree. "I'd rather worship God." Let that be how I live my life for the rest of my days here on earth.
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